
PhotoStatic 16: January 1986

Dominio público Libro, publicado en papel o digital. En bookcamping
1986 AA. VV. /

The Persistence of the Persistence of Vision

We took one step closer to whacky-land when we named this issue, though it was, in fact, a fairly clear reference to an earlier issue (yet to come), The Persistence of Vision. This one’s title comes simply from the fact that there were enough theme-consistent submissions for that issue that a further exposition on the theme was warranted.

This one has a “structure”, sign-posted by the series of works by Mark Wamaling, which read in sequence: “Vow and create black and white personal vision.” How perfect, we thought. A kind of key-note to the entire Photostatic enterprise.

Along the route, we see a series of interspersed works by the creators listed below. One thing to notice: this was the first time we attempted to write reviews of the works we’d been receiving in exchange for the bulk mailings we were doing. As this was our first attempt, please go easy on us.