Max Hernández Calvo
Subidos por Max Hernández Calvo

"Entrevista a Alain Badiou: Las ideas existen y tienen poder"
Alain Badiou La Nación/Lacan.com

Powers of Horror
1982 Julia Kristeva Columbia University Press

The Minority Report and Other Classic Stories (The Complete Stories of Philip K. Dick Vol. 4)
1987 Philip K. Dick Citadel Press

Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
1968 Philip K. Dick

Hatred of Capitalism
2001 Chris Kraus & Sylvère Lotringer (editors) Semiotext(e)

The Battle of the Streets: "C'est Pour Toi Que Tu Fais La Révolution"
Daniel & Gabriel Cohn-Bendit

Declaration of the Rights of Man
1789 National Assembly of France

Can the Subaltern Speak?
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak Routledge

Working Class Culture
1957 Raymond Williams Universities and Left Review

Culture is Ordinary
(1958) 2002 Raymond Williams Routledge