
OSP - Open Source Publishing Blog

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2012 Open Source Publishing / Open Source Publishing

(Really, a Free Art License.)

OSP-BLOG Open Source Publishing – Graphic Design Caravan

OSP (Open Source Publishing) is a graphic design collective that uses only Free, Libre and Open Source Software. Closely affiliated with the Brussels based foundation for art and media Constant, OSP aims to test the possibilities and realities of doing design, illustration, cartography and typography using a range of F/LOSS tools.

Since 2006, we investigate the potential of F/LOSS in a professional design environment. We do not expect to find (or offer!) the same experience as the ones we are used to. In fact, we are interested in experimenting with everything that shows up in the cracks. How do we work?

OSP is a collective. When a new job comes in (contact), we create in-between us a team to take it on: usually 2 to 4 designers. Two of the designers become “la conscience”, which means that they are responsible for communication with the client.

During the job, we work together using a versioning system that houses all the files for the project. This system is accessible for the client, and also for the outside public. We are Open Source publishing, after all!